Monday, September 12, 2011

Baby New LIFE

Zen had her baby boy a few weeks ago!!! Here are some of my favorite from my shoot with their new family!!!


Monday, August 1, 2011

The butterflies...

Yesterday I did a shoot for a family .. a very beautilful family, and it was alot of fun! a couple of weeks ago I was asked by my boyfriend if I would like to do a shoot for his co-worker and her family. I was of course really excited and already starting to think of ideas! But for some reason I got nervous..I dont know if it was because I have never met the family before of if it was because I still get nervous because I feel like I may do a bad job and make my boyfriend look bad ;( idk what it was..but I guess it turned out to be a very fun went really fast and the family was so cute together! They had a three year little boy named Jilian, and he was amazing! Super model for sure! haha little ham! I decided to do them at the beach, and I was lucky enough to have anthony (boyfriend) to go with it was really nice and comforting to have him there. It's wierd because I have done shoots on my own before, but it is always nice to have some help and comfort around just in-case ;) Here are some of my favorites from this shoot..

Anthony my sexy helper ;)

I havn't showed them I really hope they love them! we will see ;)

New new new!!

 So a couple of weeks ago I got asked to do a photoshoot again for a friend of a friend, this time it was for her and her baby! So it was  A MATERNITY SHOOT!  I got super excited when asked..for one, I havn't done many of these types of It was new and exciting and fun to get ideas going. And for two, I was doing this shoot for someone I have never met before! I drove to her house and met her and her husband and started to get shutter happy ;)  It was a nice feeling knowing I can go by myself and accomplish a job and have fun doing it! Her name was Zen and she was so relaxed and beautiful! She was glowing! Here are some of my favorites frm this shoot.

Zen is exspecting any day now, I can't wait to meet baby Nickalous! And get to get shutter happy with him ;)

Only the new Beginning...

I have been really bad at posting on here...I will get better SOON..I MEAN NOW!
I have been very lucky this past month, thanks to my friends..they have been really sweet at helping me get my name out there. They have referred me to friends of friends, and its been amazing!
I have done a couple of shoots since my last blogging. I was lucky enough to do a shoot for a friend for a friend. It was her 16th Birthday and she wanted me to do a photoshoot for her. It was so much fun! I had so many ideas floating once I met my subject lol. Her name is Lauren and she is super cute and very photojenic!! Here are some frm our shoot.

Thankyou Lauren and Jess...SO MUCH FUN ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Hippie Photoshoot

JESSICA was an amazing model!!!
First Photoshoot too!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Month New Ideas

This last month I worked alot and wasn't able to do many creative shoots. So this month I wanted to at least get a few concepts in the mix and possibly try to make them come to reality. I have had this idea of wanting to do a Hippie photo sesh with a friend of mine. I have been putting together the outfit's and trying to come up with surtain areas of where I want to shoot. So far I was really lucky on finding some great deals on
 outfits. I am really excited about this shoot. It's going to happend tomarrow, so I will definitly have the images up here by then!  This is the start of my new Portfolio. Im turning 24 soon and I wanted to get in the groove of getting out there again and shooting! Nothing will stop me!!
Here are some ideas I had in mind.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Looking Back.

I came across these old photos of me in my early twenty's today. Looking at them makes me think of what I used to be and what I used to want. I had so much ambition to be different. I wanted nothing but to be free.

I had no idea what three years would bring...
Love of my life.